Saturday, January 22, 2005

my job

A friend asked me about the state of my job. "I haven't read anything about it lately on your blog."

I haven't been talking about the library because, frankly, I've been waiting to find out something definite about it. Will I still be working there at the start of the new fiscal year this summer? Until this week I'd thought my chances quite good -- lay-offs depend not only on whom or what positions the library administration wants to terminate or eliminate but also on union seniority rules. My seniority in my job classification is fairly low but since I'm fulltime I've actually banked a relatively large amount of seniority since most jobs in my class are parttime. But the rules are complicated, it seems. And is the administration doing a bunch of job reclassifications? Can person with 20 years experience in parttime position X job classificaton U, where position X is being eliminated, bump person with 2 years experience in position Y job classification V, where position Y is fulltime and job classifications U and V have different requirements?

I'm told there is going to be a special meeting of the Board of Library Trustees this Wednesday. The Board has to approve the administration's proposals and supposedly the board isn't just a rubberstamp but actually curious and skeptical.

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