Saturday, February 04, 2006

comments on "The Baker", version one

Ye Gods. I can't even bring myself to read this one clear through.

Yes, it's challenge time again at the ol' LoveSettlement.

Glenn plucks a poem from his poetry files (year 1989!) and throws it up on his blog. Throws it right on up there. Doesn't change a thing. (Though, actually, this is the fourth version of the poem in the files, so, no, this is not really truly "version one".)

I'm not sure why this one makes me cringe. It's not the bad writing -- the writing I can get myself to read isn't bad bad. I mean, it might even be good. It's hard to tell when your eyes keep flinching. But that reaction is a good sign, right? It means there's a fever in the poem, a shivering, a dis-ease (or maybe a plain ol' Disease), that has power, that gives the poem a strength. Better a shudder than a shrug, right?

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