Sunday, June 19, 2005

and then one day

After we got home from BB Kent lay down for a nap and I went for a wander. There's a 1-bedroom condo (1 unit in a 3 unit house) for sale up the street; there was an open house so I went in. They're asking $439,000 for it. It's small. I don't even know what to think about these prices anymore. Is this in real money?

I walked up to Euclid, the block nearest campus and stepped into a bookstore. They have two signs up, one says "Analog Books", one says "Signal Books". When, after a couple minutes, the girl behind the counter asked, "Can I help you find something specific or are you just in for a good browse?" I said, "Uh. B?" Then, "What's the name of the bookstore? Analog or Signal?" The man who'd owned the place as "Signal" (and not for long) sold the store when he got a job in "New York publishing." But he wanted to keep the rights to "Signal Books". You gotta have your rights.

I bought three issues of And Then One Day, the self-published comics diaries of Ryan Claytor. I rather like the genre of comics diary. They remind me more of poetry than prose. You can't really say much so there's more focus on the few things that are said. (And depicted, in this case.)

I read the comics while sipping a steamed milk (with vanilla syrup) and a choc chip cookie at the cafe across the street from the bookstore.

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