Saturday, August 06, 2005

around the house

Still have to do dishes.

But K replaced two faulty light switches and I replaced a burnt out bulb. So we have s'more light.

And I buried kitchen waste in the compost. While I was outside I dug up a few more vine stumps and snipped away at trailers.

Did laundry. Blues and a few dark greens. Jeans, underwear, socks, sheets.

Defrosted the freezer. The frost layers had built up so thick the freezer's upper shelf was close to unusable. We transferred what food there was into the vegetable crisper. I plugged in the big floor fan and K chopped away with a spatula and serving spoon. When I came in from the back yard the freezer was mostly cleared, which was nice to see.

Always things to do, ain't there.

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