Monday, April 10, 2006


The weather report has rain all this week. Rain! Damn. It's only sprinkled so far today. Dunno 'f them clouds currently blotching up my view are going to let loose or just drift by.

Yesterday I went to APE, the Alternative Press Expo. Over at DIR I listed what I bought.

Being as I was there by myself it was nice running into a few familiar faces. Tara, the head of North Branch ... Rory, the owner of Comic Relief ... Jennifer Joseph, publisher of Manic D Press ... and chatting briefly with some of the creators at their booths.

In past years I've always had trouble carrying around my booty because these folks aren't retailers, really, so they don't have a big stock of bags to drop the wares into. So I brought along a plastic grocery bag (plastic cuz of the rain), but when I grabbed it from the cache at home I thought, well, since the vendors don't tend to have bags I could bring some extras to offer them. So I brought a wad. Whenever I bought something I asked if the vendor "could use any bags, because I brought extra." "You're providing a service," said Justin Hall. It felt a little goofy but in a cute way.

I gave one to Tara when she said she'd had to make two trips to her car to offload her purchases.

I forgot all about the panels and just wandered the hall until exhaustion set in.

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