Sunday, December 25, 2005


photo credit: GI

This is a quilt my mother made. It is most extraordinarily ugly. I got it out of the cupboard as K & I need a temporary curtain to shut out the glare and I thought this quilt might be the right thing to tack up. But I started harshing on it so much Kent has been trying to think of ways to defend it. "Don't these shapes look like buttes?" And, "She really figured out how to join odd-shaped pieces!"

Really, there is nothing about it that works. The colors and patterns are at war. Even the materials don't fit together ... when the quilt came out of the wash some materials shrank and some didn't. The quilt never will stretch out flat again. And the backing is an unpleasant pink. I used it many times because Mom made it and because we just didn't have that many quilt options. It's been in the cupboard unused since I moved in with Kent. I think I will throw it away.

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