Sunday, May 08, 2011

Thousand: Three Hundred Sixty-Nine

“Excuse me, Mr Christ?” “Actually, ‘Christ’ is a title. ‘Jesus’ is the name.” “Oh. OK.” “What is it you wanted?” “Well, we’re having a barbecue and we’d like to know if you want cole slaw.” Once upon a time there was a dog. This dog had been to heaven on a dare and come back to bark and wag his tail about it. This dog had also been to hell. The trip to hell had been repeated several times. The trip had been repeated so many times that the dog hung out a shingle offering guided tours of the road


David Lee Ingersoll said...

Are the tours one way?

Glenn Ingersoll said...

I don't know. I'll ask the dog.

David Lee Ingersoll said...

The dog is taking a nap in the sun. It's not as warm as hell but probably smells better.