Friday, May 13, 2011

Thousand: Three Hundred Seventy-Four

one hand on her hip, an eyebrow arched, stood aside to let him in. Tied over her tight black hair, the woman wore a red and white spangled bandana. “Pardon me, ma’am,” said the man in a voice dripping with sarcasm or servility. “The sign said there’s a dog here who. Who will take you to hell.” With a soft white cloth the woman patted the shine of perspiration from her skin, which made her seem either darker or lighter depending. Depending on the way the sunlight touched her. Depending on your attitude. The woman treated her visitor to a


Elisabeth said...

This is almost as cryptic as my Cate's inability to locate her kids, Glenn. Thanks

David Lee Ingersoll said...

And you're back!

Glenn Ingersoll said...

back & back & back ....