Monday, February 26, 2007

Best Picture

We watched a few minutes of the Oscars last night. I wanted to see how Ellen mc'd. Naturally I caught more commercials than Ellen. Her "casual stroll" down the aisle to put Martin Scorcese on the spot (and hand him a script she'd written) -- more uncomfortable than clever. The Jack Black/Will Ferrell/JC Reilly song skit about comedians never getting nominated for their acting -- droll. The dancers who made shadow puppets behind a scrim to celebrate some of the nominated pictures -- a few more seconds that could have been cut.

The Departed is out on DVD and Kent's been antsy to see it so I suggested we walk a block to the drug store and see if they had it for rent. They did. So instead of watching the rest of the Academy Awards last night we watched what the Academy voters decided was last year's Best Picture. Though I did have one question when the movie ended: What happened to the manila envelope?

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