Saturday, October 29, 2022

Autobiography of a Book in Over the Transom

The new issue of Jonathan Hayes’s hardcopy literary magazine, Over the Transom, has arrived. Issue #30 includes six of Autobiography of a Book’s brief chapters:

in which the book invites the reader in at the creation

in which the book pleads, then scolds

in which the book opens up and shows you its parts

in which the book evicts a tale

in which the book passes out blessings like money

in which the book moves quickly through gender to sex

Jonathan Hayes had read earlier published excerpts and asked me if there were any chapters still available. So I sent him a bunch. I have been working with a book publisher on Autobiography of a Book, so these excerpts will likely be the last published separately.

Over the Transom also includes a tribute to Don Skiles, as well as writing by Glen Chestnut, Mel C. Thompson, Klipshutz, and Simon Perchik, among others. Simon Perchik died this year. Perchik’s short poems always contain surprising turns, although I have yet to really fall in love with one. Maybe they stay too abstract for me? When I’ve looked for role models in how to be a poet, Perchik has enticed. He published everywhere. He was methodical about sending work out. I don’t gather that he developed relationships with other poets, though. He remained an outsider. I don’t know whether that’s what I want, exactly, but I certainly feel like an outsider. I have this possibly naive sense that writing poems is what is important, and that somebody somewhere will read the poems if you just put them out there. I have some evidence for this belief, but I think I cling to it because I’m no good at schmoozing or networking.

Perhaps apropos, these lines from Don Skiles as quoted in Over the Transom

“I feel certain there are many writers, told in myriad ways their writing is of no significant meaning or use, who face this serious and continuing crisis, the nausea, every day. I want to say to you here, my friend, to continue, to go on …”

Over the Transom is available from Jonathan Hayes,

Over the Transom, 120 San Lorenzo Blvd #3, Santa Cruz, CA 95060


Michael Martin said...

Excellent choice Hayes made.

Glenn Ingersoll said...

The "gender to sex" chapter is one of my faves. In spring of 2020, I sent it & others out to higher prestige venues via physical mail. Half the venues never even returned the SASE. Oh covid, you really got in the way! One rejection came this spring (2 years wait); oddly, the editor claimed it was one of the manuscripts he took with him to Europe to finish reading. Why go to that trouble? One might wonder if it came close, but if so the editor yet had nothing to say about it.

Anyway, I'm grateful to those editors who have taken to Book. Thanks, Jonathan Hayes, for giving your readers a generous helping!