Sunday, May 03, 2009

NaPoWriMo Project Thoughts, part 2

Was it plagiarism?

Did I write them?

I didn’t add much. Mostly I edited down the original news article. I would rearrange. One of the things a news writer tries to do is put the most important facts in the lede – the first sentence even. That deemed most important comes highest in the article. Partly this is so readers can get all they need without reading to the bottom, partly this is so editors can snip off the last few paragraphs when they have space limitations. The space limitations problem is less salient with news on the internet, though brevity, punchiness, is probably more important than ever.

So did I steal or did I write?


David Lee Ingersoll said...

I'd suggest a third thing. You remixed. It's not plagiarism. You credit your sources. It's not wholly original in that the most of it is from another source.

Glenn Ingersoll said...

Remixed. I like that.