Saturday, May 20, 2006


I put in an 8 hour day at Claremont today. That's a once-a-month thing. Working Saturday. It was busy. Yesterday was a holiday. Malcolm X Day. The day after a holiday there's twice the pile of returns under the drop slot. So we jammed through the pile this morning and almost finished by the time we had to open.

During one of my Info Desk hours I got the classic reference question: What's the definition of this word?

The word of the day: simulacrum

It means ... copy ... that didn't exactly fit the context in which the caller had come upon the word; in what she was reading it seemed to mean exemplar or approximation, as in, develop a simulacrum of the citizen in order to figure out how best to market to him ...

And I helped a teen who was writing a report on Area 51. Seems there were three books that covered the topic over at the West branch. But I showed her some of the Electronic Resources on the library website, too.

Gee, I felt like a librarian.

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