Friday, February 06, 2004

HCR and P&P

I'm starting to gather poems for the next issue of Hogtown Creek Review. Some interesting pieces in the unsolicited work and poets I've asked have started to come through.

Poetry and Pizza, the reading series I help run in San Francisco, is endangered. Its home, the Escape from New York Pizza downtown, is up for sale. A pizza place like this depends for its life on the highrises around it being filled with officeworkers and that just isn't the case now. We're talking lunch joint, not dining experience. Whether there's a buyer for it is another thing. If this Escape from New York shuts its doors the poetry series may be able to move to another of the Escapes in the city. We'll see. The poetry calendar is filled through May. In the good news dept there's an article about tonight's reading in the Chronicle.

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