Wednesday, January 01, 2025

pledge break

Richard Loranger, an Oakland poet and friend, sent out an ask for A New Pledge, something to update the hand-over-heart salute to the flag you remember from grade school. This is the one I offered:

I pledge allegiance to the love

that gets us through the night,

and to the compassion

that lends a hand,

even to the hate-filled and ignorant,

and to such friendship freely offered

as brings together

work of justice and play of freedom

forever, for all


I still have the old pledge memorized, so the words and the rhythms of it were called up. The other night, lying in bed, a first line came, then a second, and so on. Rare that I write a poem in my head and then go to the page. 

Read the growing page of pledges at I Need a New Pledge. Richard says he will continue to add to it as pledges are sent to him.