Saturday, December 28, 2013

Glenn Ingersoll - January 5 reading at Redwood Cafe, Cotati

Glenn Ingersoll will be reading poetry with Alan Bern in Cotati at the Redwood Cafe on January 5, 5-7pm.

musical guests: Steve Shain, bass; Nick Alvan; songs, bass/guitar

Redwood Cafe First Sundays Series
at Redwood Cafe
8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati

Glenn Ingersoll has had work in magazines (Exquisite Corpse, Carolina Quarterly) and ezines (Cortland Review, Shampoo), and has published two chapbooks, "City Walks" (1999) and "Fact" (2013). He was one of the coordinators of Poetry & Pizza in San Francisco, a reading series benefiting nonprofits. He works for the Berkeley Public Library. erkeley Public Library.

Alan Bern has published two volumes of poetry with Fithian Press: No no the saddest (2004) and Waterwalking in Berkeley (2007). He is currently at work on two books: one based on the theme of Sacred Mountains and the other dedicated to his parents. Alan is a storyteller and performer working with the dancer, Lucinda Weaver, as PACES: dance & poetry fit to the space. PACES has performed stage-piece collaborations in Italy and Switzerland; and they have performed as well in local libraries, museums, and bookstores. Alan is also a printer and designer, and collaborates with the artist Robert Woods: they work together under the imprint of Lines & Faces, They produce illustrated broadsides and in 2014 will be printing and publishing the book dedicated to his parents, even greater distances. Alan has worked in public libraries in the East Bay Area for 20 years in a variety of jobs and is currently a Children’s Librarian at Berkeley Public’s Central Library.