Saturday, October 14, 2006

throwing money at them

I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Green. I'm a Green because I agree with the Green platform.

I would never vote for a Republican. Because Republicans are bad people. They are just bad people. That's all.

Politics fascinates and depresses me. Not every election year but most I have thrown a few dollars at a candidate or three. $20 to this one, $20 that one. When Harvey Gantt was running against Jesse Helms the first time I dunned coworkers and rounded up fifty or sixty dollars. Ever heard of Senator Gantt?

It's kind of like betting on the lottery. It's not really an investment. You just hope that the government you get is indifferent, occasionally a pleasant surprise, and mostly ignorable. That's what I hope for from Democrats.

So, via ActBlue, I dumped $100 into the Netroots bin. I cringed when I realized I'd given Jim Webb (former Reagan cabinet official) even as much as five bucks but, what the hell, it's only five bucks. What's that gonna get him? A Senator's office?

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