Friday, February 04, 2022

haiku in brass bell

A one-line haiku appears in the issue of brass bell: a haiku journal that posted on Feb 1st

Editor Zee Zehava runs the haiku alphabetically by the poet’s first name, so scroll down to the Gs for Glenn Ingersoll.

Thursday, February 03, 2022

haiku in haiku kontinuum

A haiku about peanuts appears in haiku kontinuum, a haiku ezine out of Hungary.

My haiku appears in issue #2 on page 27 (they number the pages).

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

haiku at Spillwords

Follow the link to a haiku about serving coffee. 

I discovered Spillwords when a friend published there. When I looked at the submission guidelines I saw that they would consider a single haiku. I’m not sure why that appealed to me so much. Anyway, I'm glad they liked the one I offered.