Monday, July 10, 2006


We have two cherry trees in the back yard. Last year and, I think, the year before there were no cherries, or maybe a handful. When an ant colony sets up an aphid farm on one or both trees we seem to have no harvest. This year I decided I was going to attack any aphid husbandry I saw. But for whatever reason there wasn’t any. Last summer I cleared out the berry vines that swarmed around the trees; maybe that had something to do with it. The best crop we had up to now was stolen by workers with ladders who were cleaning (or painting) the apartment house next door.

When ladders appeared late last week I was afraid history would repeat. The apartment building was being repainted. But this time they left our cherries alone. And we were able to munch on ‘em ourselves. The whole harvest was a pound or so max. But sweeet and juicy. A few Kent thinks aren’t yet dark enough still await plucking. Maybe I should give them another looksee after I post this.

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