Friday, November 10, 2006

it's nice

It's nice not to be depressed about the results of an election. Whether my big investment in the race(s) did anything beyond give me a warm glow, who knows, but that glow turned to a happy little sizzle on Nov 7. Of Jim Webb's uphill Virginia campaign (Webb being a former Reagan cabinet official, I had/have little expectation of agreeing with him on much), I said, "What's [my five dollars] gonna get him? A Senate seat?" Considering the razor thin margin of his victory it kinda did.

And going into the election I was sure all the anti-marriage ballot measures would pass easily. Even those that looked possible to defeat when you were poring over the polling had, up to now, passed easily. And this time 7 of 8 passed. But some of them were actually close votes. And one was defeated. The first defeat of an anti-marriage ballot measure. We got a win! Wow.

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