Wednesday, November 30, 2016

brass bell haiku includes haiku by Glenn Ingersoll

Brass Bell Haiku is a haiku ezine formatted like a blog. Editor Zee Zahava publishes a new issue every month or so. Zahava announces a theme then chooses from what is sent her. She never publishes more than one haiku per poet. I think she may publish one haiku by every poet who offers work; if so, she has a pretty high calibre of contributor. 

I got my first haiku in brass bell in 2015’s November issue on the theme “Morning”:

I wash my morning bowl over last night's dishes


The theme for the May 2016 issue was “Small Things” and included this one of mine:

the huge black bee
comes back in the window
I didn't close


The September 2016 issue was “Kitchen” and included this one by me:

sweeping broken bowl into cracked dustpan


Each of the above haiku were written after Zahava’s call for poems. I did also send along poems written at other times, but she only was going to include one, and the one she chose was one that happened to be fresh. The theme for the October 2016 issue, on the other hand, was all about  freshness. The theme: “September 22, 2016,” that is, the haiku had to have been written on that date. Here Zehava picked:

back from vacation
a voicemail message
what's my password

I have a haiku in the next issue, which will be posting on December 1st, I believe. The theme is “Homeplace.” I will give her first dibs on exposing the ‘ku to the world. 

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