Monday, December 04, 2006

comments on "Morning of the Job Interview"

So I'm thinking I'm going to post a new poem-for-revision. I'm reading through the 1984 poetry notebook that I've been mining recently and I'm rather liking what I'm reading. In 1984 I knew I had a lot to learn; I was trying to teach myself, was writing descriptions and rhymes and scenes. I have no objection to poetry as therapy. Poetry created as therapy can also be art. Poetry play or exercise can also have lasting value.

"Morning of the Job Interview" is both writing as therapy and a writing exercise. As I say in the poem itself, "I write to calm my nerves." I was trying to describe the sensations I was experiencing and gain a measure of control over them. I am not posting the poem here in order to work on it. It's not bad writing. But I can't think what I would do with it now. One becomes better at something through working at it, through practice. I am a better writer for "Morning" and its like.

And, yes, I got the job.

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