Sunday, August 06, 2006


Neither Sundy nor Suntra are interested in treats. With one exception. They both really go for dried shrimp. Kent has offered bits of beef and chicken and cheese from the table at dinnertime -- our first cat, Maori, loved dinner and would hop up on the table and eat treats from our fingers. Occasionally Sutra condescends to eat something Kent has presented. Encouraged Kent will break off another piece of chicken breast ... and it will sit on the floor ...

On the other hand when Sundy sees me get out a dried shrimp he stands right up on his hind feet; he'll even do a little spin while standing. He hasn't made it the whole way round yet so I just turn him in a half circle. For a cat Sundy is very social and reacts readily to our faces and hands. Seems like he'd be pretty easy to train to do tricks if we cared to.

They like their kibble. Which is kept in the upstairs bathroom (that started as a dog preventative).

This evening as I was preparing dinner I was surprised to see Sundy eating on the floor. What? Eating? There was some gray-blue object under his chin. I bent down, then did my hand over the mouth oh god. A bird. Sundy had already eaten its head off and was contentedly crunching away on the body, feathers, bones, everything. I got a plastic bag which I used as a glove, scooped up the prey and took it out to the back porch. Kent says Sutra joined his brother. Later all that remained were three or four tiny feathers and a single bird foot.

I don't approve. I guess the most Pollyanna about it I can get is: at least they eat the thing.

And the mystery of the bits of feather under the table or at the foot of the stairs is explained. That's really all that's left.

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