Sunday, November 27, 2005


A week from now I'll be looking at my first Monday in a new job. I interviewed for the nine openings at the library. Eight were halftime positions in the branches. The ninth, a fulltime job, was in the same department I'm in currently, Technical Services. With the budget crisis there was a hiring freeze that kept a position in Cataloging unfilled for a couple years. Finally TS got the OK to put a person into that.

I was offered & accepted the Cataloging job. I'm looking forward to the change. New supervisor, different cubicle (smaller but with a window!), new duties.

Kent & I had a pleasant Thanksgiving. K soaked the turkey overnight in a brine of salt, sugar & spices, then cooked it in the barbecue on the back patio for several hours Thanksgiving Day. He also made stuffing, fingerling potatoes, and spinach salad. All very good. After dinner we drove up the hill to a friend's house for company and dessert.

Have to catch up on a few things today -- pay bills, turn the compost, throw out old newspapers.

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