Monday, August 08, 2005

Info Desk Blogging

And so Monday rolls round again.

Shambling. That's it! Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies. A tall husky young man in long black trenchcoat, big black boots, black hair down to the shoulders, beard under the chin, swaying as he walks. I couldn't quite make out his Tshirt (also black) but the design on it looked like that of a heavy metal band. A rectangle of white cloth was pinned to the back of his trenchcoat -- a political message? The human face featured on the cloth looked like the 5 dollar bill portrait of Lincoln and there were words stenciled beneath. Couldn't read the words. Maybe it's time I got glasses?

"Your travel guides. Which floor?" Young woman, speaking with an accent. She's showing me a printed paper with a series of questions ... seems it's a scavenger hunt. She just has to fill in the number of the floor in the space on the paper. For some reason this doesn't quite compute in my head. She doesn't actually care where the guides are, at least, not in order to use them? Um. No. Once I get this through my noggin I give her the floor number and she writes it on her paper, then she and her friends go out the door.

Do we have a book about selling a Ferrari? Her friend is reading it in Hebrew so she's not sure of the title. Thinks it's fiction. Could it be this book?

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